Monday, July 11, 2011

a long awaited update...

well... the chemo didnt work. i lost all my hair for nothing and my cancer had a field day and grew like crazy for 2 months. the tumor in my left hip bone fractured my hip and now im completly disabled. :( i use a walker everywhere i go. unfortunatly its putting a lot of pressure on the rest of my body. im sore all over. especially my joinr in my legs. i had someone ask me i didnt start mitotaine in the beginning, this was my reply:

the first doctor i had started me on mitotaine but it made me so sick i couldnt function and he just didnt seem to care enough to get me the right anti-nausea regime, so i found another doctor and he he started me on clinical trials. they worked for a little while then they stopped. now im on mitotain again untill another trial becomes available. only this time, ive been on so many drugs the mitotaine doesnt make me sick. lol. it does however make me super tiried. im also on a water pill for the swelling.... that makes me dizzy. i feel like im living life through a fogged mirror. and recently my pain has increased. i cant even get out of bed right now. thank goodness for laptops. or i would go crazy. i just wish i had the courage to use a bedpan at home because getting uo to go "potty" is quite painful. just LAYING here is paindul... and then my son, (whio is almost 2 and sleeps in the crib next to my bed) wakes up crying and i cant pick him up or do anything about it. this is so frustraitingl i wish this would all just go away for 24 hours. just one day is all i want...

well, i, getting groggy and its hard to focus so goodnight,,, or good morning